For what it was worth, a pretty good monster suit. That was about all you could say for the flick, though.
I just watched a short mash-up of the monster bits on YouTube. According to the comments, and the Stomp Tokyo review, I don’t need to see the rest.
The Rev.
Also according to BadMovies, Cold Fusion Video and myself.
The saddest thing is that the monster stuff isn’t too bad. Sure, some of the buildings look like they’re made of wet cardboard and Zarkorr needed a couple of different roars, but the suit’s fine, the eye lasers look good, and they even undercranked the footage instead of making the suit actor pretend to be moving in slow motion. Too bad this 80-minute “giant monster movie” has only those five or so minutes of monster, and 75 minutes of bad acting, stupid plots, and all-around crappiness. It is just utterly terrible.
(Sigh) Yeah, what a waste of potential. A low budget is no excues for a poor story line and ‘acting!’
The Rev.
I’m sure said low budget is why there’s almost no monster stuff, but yeah, as Roger Corman proved, there’s no excuse for that re: story and acting.
Rock Baker
I did read a letter once where the writer was trying to defend himself. Basically, they shot a few minutes of monster stuff and then wrote a script around it (it’s pretty obvious the monster footage of KRAA was shot the same way). That’s no excuse, of course. I’m sure any one of us could have written a better script.
Well, thanks to all of you for saving me that bit of frustration. Thanks also to those nice YouTube posters- at least I got to see the monsters in action. The really cool monster suits are definitely good enough to get me intrigued- too bad about the remainder of the movies.