T-Fest 2012 Line-Up confirmed…

After intense negotiation with Sandy Petersen, Chris Holland and Freeman Williams, I can now release this year’s slate of movies:

9:00 The Roller Blade Seven
11:00 Prayer of the Roller Boys
1:00 Blade Squad
3:00 Return of the Roller Blade Seven


5:00 Rollerball (2002)
7:00 Solarbabies
9:00 Legend of the Roller Blade Seven
11:00 Gigli

  • MrTongoRad

    Where’s it being held? Skatetown USA or Xanadu?

  • Mr. Rational

    Closing with Gigli? Not even you could be so cruel.

  • Ken_Begg

    So…you think we should open with Gigli?

  • Ericb

    Shouldnj’t there be a T-Rex there somewhere (thinking how much more watchable Gili would have been if there was a T-Rex in it).

  • Ken_Begg

    Huh, you’re right. I thought there was a T-Rex in there, but it was just Al Pacino.

  • Guy Hoyle


  • Frank Bauroth

    Haven’t we already endured at least one of these/

  • Petoht

    You forgot “Roller Blade” from 1986 with the rollerblading nuns! And the smilie face buttons!

  • Ken_Begg

    That’s our reserve picture, along with Roller Boogie.

  • Ken_Begg

    I don’t think so. We did see Shredder Orpheus (Kirk, you bastard), but that was skateboarding.

  • The Rev.

    Any confirmed date for this year’s Fest?
    Also…*glances at schedule*…I may be busy that day, whatever day that is.

  • Ken_Begg

    Saturday, October 20th.

  • Mr. Rational

    Well, duh. :)

  • You’re still bitter about the “Chicago-style pizza” joke. :P

    I think Shredder Orpheus had worse pacing than Funky Forest.

  • Ken_Begg

    Yes, but Funky Forest was 15 times longer, if I remember correctly.

  • Not sure why Gigli is there unless it’s because John Travolta is a LOT like a tyrannosaurus.
    The rest of the post is pretty accurate.