T-Fest Open Thread…

Getting ready to leave for Texas tomorrow. Here’s an open space to yack on; although there’s also the forum. I’ll drop in when I can, and any attendees, feel free to post here too.

I’m moving Chad’s recent post about this year’s T(ween)-Fest back to the top o’ the blog just to give people a taste.

Have a great one, everybody. And for some of you, see you in a few days.

  • Any topic. I thought I might mention that I saw PLANET TERROR. Goofy as all get out, but not bad. By virtue of actually having a plot, it had DEATH PROOF topped within the first ten minutes! Weird little movie, but it certainly had it’s moments of being pretty good. Not quite as berserk as the trailer made it look.

    Some of the films I’ve screened this month (should you be looking for suggestions as halloween draws near) include: HALLOWEEN 3; SEASON OF THE WITCH, KINGDOM OF THE SPIDERS, NIGHT OF THE LEPUS, THE EARTH DIES SCREAMING, ISLAND OF TERROR, BLOOD OF DRACULA, HOW TO MAKE A MONSTER, THE FOG, THE GORGON, and THE LORELY’S GRASP. Does anyone else do the whole month, or just a few movies on halloween night?

  • The Rev. D.D.

    Mary, Chris, and anyone else who couldn’t make it to T-Fest…be glad you didn’t. The survivors now envy the dead. At least three people ended up broken at various points, and most of us were begging for mercy during the next-to-last film.

    Incidentally, Sandy is a monster.

  • kgb_san_diego

    Sandy definitely has a sadistic side. Luckily, my brain was completely able to wash away memories of the little German troll and his songs…. (shiver) Kerblbock, or something like that?

    Sadly, the same cannot be said of Chesty Morgan’s “assets” or her fashion sense… (shudders violently)

  • Mr. Rational

    Well, it was great to see everyone again. Near-perfect home Sandy has, and his family is just wonderful (especially his long-suffering wife Wendy. And though I was almost knocked out early by the horrendous sight of Chesty Morgan’s…well…chesty morgans, I live on to fight another fest.

  • That German film left me a bitter shell of a man.

  • Mr. Rational

    When it’s easier to swallow that the main character is a pop-star and a frickin’ wizard than it is to swallow that he’s a hit with the ladies, you know you have an all-time T-Fest classic.

  • Daniel Kublbock! What a guy!

  • The highlight of the fest was when I greeted The Rev.

    Me – “Hey there, lookin’ mighty swella'”
    The Rev. – “You sonovabitch…” *mindlessly hums JillaJallaJellyfish song*

  • Well I remember last year some people were whining that the movies were all “too good”, that there “wasn’t enough pain”. I guarantee that they won’t be saying that about T-Fest 2012! My only regret was that our two nudies should have been shown in the opposite order. So that the film with the plastic mannequin (Pia) would have been shown before the Lovecraftian horror of Chesty.