Mythbusters on the Hindenburg…

The Discovery Channel show The Mythbusters tonight (Jan 10th) premieres an episode about how the Hindenburg went up, and why it burned the way it did. To check it out, they build a pretty decently sized scale model of the airship and light it up. I assume the show will run at various times all week.

When I was a kid back in the ’70s, disaster movies were the big genre, like superhero films now. I got seriously into the subject, and since it was so big of a thing, a lot of disaster-themed books were available. My favorite was a huge, oversized red volume that reprint the first day New York Times coverage of various major disasters, including the Titanic, the Hindenburg and that time a bomber flew into the Empire State Building. The book was so cool that I eventually found and bought another copy a while ago.

Anyway, I also love airships. They keep talking about bringing them back, and I’d love to travel that way. In any case, if anyone else is interested in stuff like that, you might want to check out the show tonight.

  • What if they crossed the superhero movie and disaster movie? Say, a movie about a superhero who utterly fails to avert a disaster the beginning of the movie and the rest of the movie is about his journey to regain his self-confidence and the trust of the public? More importantly, if they have made a movie like this, what is its name?

  • krylonman

    Hindenberg II: Return of the Guy Who Kept Scuffing His Feet on the Carpet and Touching People.

  • krylonman

    Wow, I spelled “Hindenburg” wrong on a page where it’s mentioned three times. More coffee is clearly needed.