
I’m having Internet connection problems at home again. I wonder if I should switch to Comcast; at least they’d have to see that I’m up and running.

The timing is problematic, of course. I leave for Houston next week, and before then I’m only working Monday (I filled in last Sunday for a sick co-worker, so I’m off tomorrow) . Which should have been great, except that I’m crippled on a lot of stuff by having no Internet connection. Even writing reviews is a pain in the ass when I can’t look stuff up as I write them. And if I can’t see it taken care of before I leave, then I’m going to return to still not have it. This is much more obnoxious that it should be. Seriously, I pay my bill, all I want is a friggin’ Internet connection.

Anyway, if you guys don’t hear from me from today until Monday, you’ll know what’s up.

  • John Campbell

    Get your filthy paws off his connex you damn dirty ISP apes!