Up, Up and Away…

Bryan Singer, his cast and crew have reportedly arrived in Australia to start filming Superman Returns. A few posts ago, I mentioned Josh Whedon being hired to write and direct a Wonder Woman movie, and noted how getting the right director seems to be the key in doing a comic book movie. Singer, of course, is a veteran of the genre, having done the first two X-Men movies. Superman presents a bit more of a challenge, however, since he’s been brought to be the large and the small screen some very many times. Chris Nolan, the director of the upcoming Batman Begins, faces an easier job, in that the last two Batman movies really, really sucked. The bar’s higher for Singer.

By the way, a fairly neat teaser poster for Josh Whedon’s putative Wonder Woman film can be found here.

  • Well, at least they got her brass-plated boobs in the picture.

  • Oh, I, uh, hadn’t noticed.

    From this image, though, I assume they’ve decided not to cast the frequently rumored Sandra Bullock.

  • Hmmmm, Wonder Woman casting choices all around….

    Actually, THIS would be a better movie for Jessica Alba to star in; at least here, she’d look the part! I’d recommend Carrie-Anne Moss or Jeanette Goldstein, but I think they’re both too old for the part. Too bad the movie wasn’t made ten years ago. (How old IS Wonder Woman, anyway?)

    Of course, the Talented Unknown Actress could be the way to go. Problem with that is, well, we’ve seen that plan before, and it’s likely as not to tank.