Calling the Syfy Network!–Piranhas-loose-in-Opry-Mills.

Thanks to Jabootu correspondent Justin Zimmerman for the tip.

  • BeckoningChasm

    Hm, page not found. I tried searching the main Examiner site and I saw several stories about the 3-D film, but that seemed to be all…

  • BeckoningChasm

    Weird. I was able to find the story by Googling “piranhas loose in opry mills.” And it has the same URL.

  • Joe Green

    Here’s a TinyURL link to it:

  • jzimbert

    If you take out the dash between BREAKING and Piranhas, and replace it with two dashes, the link works. Don’t just add a dash to the character that’s already there, delete it entirely. Sadly, there seems to be a buzzkill update to the story.

  • Charles Goodwin

    Evidently, the web site will default to the user’s current location, and if the story in question does not originate from there it will return a “not found” message. I changed the location (there’s a button for this at the top of the web page) to Nashville, Tennessee, and the article appeared just below the middle of the page.

  • Charles Goodwin

    I agree that this story would seem tailor-made for a Syfy spectacular, but instead of an innocent restaurant aquarium they would have to change the source to the secret laboratory of an eeeeevilllll corporation with ties to the US military… wait, wasn’t that the plot of the original Piranha movie? Well, that wouldn’t stop them. The flooding aspect being the cause of the escape of the fish would be different enough. Not that they’ll give that much thought to it, what money they’ll spend will go to the CGI effects, however crappy they may turn out to be. I sure am glad they made the channel name easier to spell though… that extra letter and space was really killing me to type.

  • BeckoningChasm

    Yeah, since going from “Sci Fi” to “SyFy” my carpal tunnel syndrome has TOTALLY disappeared, though I now feel as if I’m giving syphilis a pet name…

  • The Rev. D.D.

    Tangentially related, since it also features killer swimming whatsits…

    TCM tomorrow night has a Jabootu-worthy double feature of ZaAt/Blood Waters of Dr. Z and Tentacles on their “TCM Underground” segment.