If it were a burner I’d buy one, but still. (Plus I don’t have a high def TV, so there’s that.) A Blu Ray / VHS combo (which as a Blu Ray player also plays regular DVDs) might seem a weird beast, but hey, versatility isn’t a bad thing. It should be noted, though, that this is only a player, not a recorder.

Still, the price is very nice, $140 which is 65% off the $400 list price. And the reviews are very strong, so this isn’t just some piece of junk they’re dumping. Note that of the two ‘one star’ reviews, one person complains that the machine doesn’t record (which is stated in the description), and the other complains that the stated dimensions of the unit were off and thus a “lie.”

Anyway, maybe nobody will want this, but I thought the product and the price looked pretty good. Remember, this sale will expire sometime today.

Also, although I didn’t look that close, you often need special cables with these things, so you might want to consider that aspect as well.

  • BeckoningChasm

    I am sore tempted.


    Again, it looks pretty decent. If I had a high def TV, I’d probably jump on it.

  • BeckoningChasm

    I bought one for my cousin. Unfortunately, my browser went ZAZANGO right in the middle, so I had to reload, and I’m not sure you’ll get the credit…

  • Hey, if your cousin is happy, I’m happy.

  • andy80

    if its blu ray you need hdmi cables, which are $35 at least for a six foot length.

  • BeckoningChasm

    There are places on the web (cablestogo, etc) where you can get them considerably cheaper. Also, stores like Big Lots have them really cheap.

    So far, she doesn’t have a hi-def TV so the unit will have to be connected via the old red-white-yellow. In the future…

  • Bruce Probst

    You don’t need a HDMI cable for Blu-Ray, especially if you don’t have a HD TV. If you do have a HD TV, however, then a HDMI cable will give you the best possible video output. If HDMI is not an option, then Component cables are next-best. And if your TV doesn’t even support Component cables, then you won’t really get much value out of a Blu-Ray player ….

    And, as mentioned, HDMI cables are only expensive in hi-fi stores that get a large percentage from selling them to people who don’t know better. You should not need to spend more than $15 for a perfectly decent cable, which you can get from a zillion different sites on the web.

    I don’t think a combo Blu-Ray/VHS player is much of a bargain though. Stand-alone Blu-Ray players are dropping in price almost daily, and a decent stand-alone VHS player should not cost you much these days. You can also get combo VHS/DVD-burners which would probably represent better overall value.

  • Bruce Probst

    You don’t need a HDMI cable for Blu-Ray, especially if you don’t have a HD TV. If you do have a HD TV, however, then a HDMI cable will give you the best possible video output. If HDMI is not an option, then Component cables are next-best. And if your TV doesn’t even support Component cables, then you won’t really get much value out of a Blu-Ray player ….

    And, as mentioned, HDMI cables are only expensive in hi-fi stores that get a large percentage from selling them to people who don’t know better. You should not need to spend more than $15 for a perfectly decent cable, which you can get from a zillion different sites on the web.

    I don’t think a combo Blu-Ray/VHS player is much of a bargain though. Stand-alone Blu-Ray players are dropping in price almost daily, and a decent stand-alone VHS player should not cost you much these days. You can also get combo VHS/DVD-burners which would probably represent better overall value.