Hollywood’s Second Golden Age…

Entries in this morning’s Rotten Tomatoes movie headlines ticker box:

Exclusive: Tony Scott talks Warriors
Jason Moore to direct Valley Girl musical remake
Robert Luketic directing Barbarella remake?
Kurt Wimmer has Total Recall
Taraji P. Henson to Play Mom in The Karate Kid remake

And, for something a bit different:

Stretch Armstrong Heads to Theaters (The article quotes Brian Glazer, “also behind the reboot of The Incredible Shrinking Man at Universal”)

  • Ericb

    I’m waiting for “Quisp vs. Quake: Day of Reckoning.”

  • Remember when Quisp ‘won’ the election? Man, that was total bull%$#.

  • Hasimir Fenring

    Kurt Wimmer? Yeesh, what does it take to kill a career in Hollywood these days if the man who unleashed Ultraviolet upon an unsuspecting world can still find work?

  • fish eye no miko

    Tony Scott talks Warriors

    He began his interview with, and I quote, “Wa~arriors! Come out to play-ay!”

  • No One of Consequence

    Taraji P. Henson to Play Mom in The Karate Kid remake

    Because that was such a pivotal role in the original…

  • Blackadder

    To quote Deborah Foreman, gag me with a spoon.

  • Hasimir:
    In Hollywood, its not whether you succeed or fail, but the magnitude of your success or failure.

  • You missed the Short Circuit remake! They just hired a writer!

    I’m waiting for the remake of Vibes, personally. I think that will be the final straw.

  • Reed

    In a world where cartoon supervillainly and movie “reimaginings” rule the day there is only one hero who can stretch your suspension of disbelief to the breaking point… Stretch Armstrong! You won’t believe that you paid money to see this movie!

    On a related note, I would totally pay to see a Bud Manstrong movie. “Does he have a Smurf living there or what?”

  • JoshG

    What no poorly conceived sequels? 302: The Rise of Sparta!

  • What, no Lifeforce remake? I could name at least a dozen “actresses” who would happily reprise the Mathilda May role. Maybe that’s the ticket for the remake… It’s an army of naked vampire women.

  • Petoht

    Ultraviolet was bad, but Equilibrium was awesome. I’d say Kurt’s batting .500, so I’m willing to give him a chance.

    Then again, why are we remaking Total Recall? I mean, I know there’s no new ideas, but can’t we even pretend any more?

  • Grumpy

    Why remake Total Recall? To see what an alternate version would look like. As you probably know, the adaptation was kicking around for a decade before it became a Schwarzenegger vehicle. What would the David Cronenberg / Richard Dreyfuss variation have been like?

    However, I’d lay odds that a remake would start from the finished movie, jettison all the Phil Dick material and double-up on the Schwarzenegger customizations.