Wow, the new *koff* Syfy Channel is even better than I thought…

I just went to their nascent site (just a press release at the moment), and the new slogan for their “brand evolution” is “Imagine Greater.”

That’s so entirely awesome that it doesn’t even mean anything! Good work, *koff* Syfy!

(Seriously, there’s like three sentences up on that page now, and it’s like a Dilbert parody of corporate technobabble; “The brand evolution is [i.e., changing “Sci-Fi Channel” to the purportedly less geedy “Syfy”] is reflective of our broader range of imagination based programming…” Good grief. I can’t wait for their amazing Mission Statement, surely due up any day now!)

  • Ericb

    They could use some Strategic Visioning.

  • JoshG

    So this way they’re no longer constrained to Sci-Fi allowing them greater freedom to show more varied entertainment…such as more pro-wrestling.