Monday morning movie thread…

Still haven’t roused myself to see anything, but I’m sure a lot of you guys saw Star Trek or Wolverine or even Ghosts of Girlfriends Past or whatever. What did you see and what did you think? Keep your comments spoiler-lite, please.

  • Ericb

    I didn’t go to the movies but I did watch the HMO miniseries John Adams on DVD. I watched it all in one sitting (with a break to get some Chinese takeout). Despite some historical inaccuracies it was pretty good (if Alexander Hamilton were alive he’d probably challenge the screenwriter to a duel). Nice atmosphere, it gave a good idea of how brutal everyday life was back then and how even city life in the colonies was like living on the frontier.

  • mpollack

    We saw “Star Trek” last night. It was fantastic, both to my Trek-immersed self and my Trek-neophyte wife. Better still, it gets back to what Star Trek does best: balancing space battles with emotional complexities.

  • Heli

    I agree with the general Star Trek concensus; an excellent reboot for the franchise that is still respectful of Trek’s history. My wife and I aren’t die-hard fans, but we both like the series and have both seen plenty of the shows and movies, and both felt that the new movie was an excellent successor/new beginning.

  • Danny

    Star Trek was excellent. From the perspective of a TNG fan who could never get into TOS:

    I’ve been getting annoyed with Zachary Quinto for standing around doing nothing in Heroes, but he does a good Spock. Kirk’s actor is good. I *loved* Bones.

    The actual plot of the movie is pretty weak, really, but good writing and good acting carry it through.

  • I agree on the John Adams mini-series; it was the bee’s knees.

    And as we know, it’s massive success really kicked off a flood of similar material…

  • Plissken79

    I will check out Star Trek sometime this week. I am never been much of a fan of the series (although some of the films were good). The biggest problem I have with this reboot is that the whole crew (besides the great Simon Pegg) looks more like they should model at Ambercrombie and Fitch than serve on the Enterprise. When Ridley Scott and James Cameron made Alien and Aliens, at least they cast actors who looked like they could be commercial merchants/Marines. Not everyone in outer space has to be a pretty boy.

  • Joe11

    Didn’t see Wolverine but I did see Star Trek & it’s a solid 3 stars.

    Most of the new cast may look like they belong in a CW teen drama but they all gave good performances (except for the Chekov actor who went way over the top with the accent). The space battles & action scences are fun & intense. A cameo from a certain member of the TOS was actually very important to the plot.

    My only major complaint is some of the attempts at
    “Transformers” type level of lousy humor in the early Starfleet Academy & Enterprise scenes. After that stuff was over, I really enjoyed the rest of the film.

  • Saw Star Trek on Sunday Morning. Yay! Exciting space adventures!

    Watched another couple of episodes of Battlestar Galactica on DVD. Yay! Glad I’m not as frakked as they are!

  • I watched The Dark Power, starting Lash LaRue, on Saturday. That was a dark, dark day. My son went to Star Trek and said he kind of liked it.

  • fish eye no miko

    I saw Monsters Vs Aliens in 3D, and really enjoyed it. It’s an homage to/affectionate parody of 50’s B movies, with all of its main “monster” characters being recognizable character types and its bad guy being very 50’s b-movie villain-ish. I highly recommend it.

  • Jim

    I saw Star Trek as well.

    I thought it was going to be an awesome movie, and it met my expectations. In perspective of time I can spot more plot holes and flawed screenwriting than was obvious on first blush, but on the whole, it was an excellent experience, well worth the price of admission.

    And I want a sequel.

  • Given the box office returns, I think that sequel is probably already in the works.

  • Chad R.

    I saw Star Trek on Saturday at IMAX. Before the movie some representative of the theater came out to extol the virtues of the IMAX format and he also mentioned that the sequel was already greenlighted (greenlit?). Apparently the IMAX version of the sequel will be in 3-D.

    I liked the movie quite a lot. There were some plot holes, to be sure, but nothing I couldn’t overlook. The fight scenes were edited badly (to make them more KINETIC and IMMEDIATE, I’m sure Abrams would tell me). Good characterization and dialogue more than made up for the bad points. Oh, and I saw it with a bunch of friends and all the women thought Anton Yelchin’s puppy-dog Chekhov was the cutest thing EVAR! Which is pretty funny if you know the most common story about why Chekhov was added to TOS.

  • Petoht

    I saw… um… There Will Be Blood. Yeah, I’m way behind.

    It was interesting, but then it just… ended. I wonder if the book ended that abruptly, or if they just had John Grisham write the ending for the screenplay.