King knocked off Hill; American Dad back (?)…

It’s hard to get too upset about Fox finally cancelling King of the Hill, which has run forever (albeit while remaining consistantly good from what I’ve seen). But really, while at the same time bringing back the atrocious American Dad? Meh.

I will say that King of the Hill has been woefully upderappreciated during it’s amazing, death-defying run. In many ways it’s been the most realistic sitcom (and easily one of the best) on the air over the decade. Certainly it shows a side of America–and a pretty big side–that I can off the top of my head not think of any other network program showing.

  • warsaw

    Im surprised it lasted as long as it did, and Judge himself has moved on (the Goodies)

    I belive KOTH was far from their (really high) peak in the last 3 or 4 seasons, and almost all comedies should die before their 10th season (Im thinking in the awful final years of Married with Children, for example)

    Anyway, as painless as it is the funeral, KTHO will be sorely missed.

  • Favorite King of the Hill episode: The local chapter of WWII Vets is dying off, and Cotton has to open up to the fact that he needs to open admission to “cry-baby” Vietnam vets. After a picnic gets botched, Hank and Cotton find themselves on the run from the Vietnam vets who just snapped. After the two sides make peace, Cotton gains a new respect for the men, and wouldn’t mind admitting them if only they’d stop crying so much.

    You’ll be missed, Hank & Co.

  • roger h

    Love KOTH and do not understand the popularity of Family Guy and American Dad.

    KOTH is of course a product of Mike Judge’s realistic look at life without the idiocy of trying to be “ironic” and showing the proper way to do parody. I also give big credit to Paul Lieberstein (Toby from “The Office”) for making the show meaningful and funny.

  • I shall miss “King of the Hill”. Each year, I shall shed a single tear for it.