This Week on DVD (08/05/08)…

Some good stuff this week.

Beastmaster: The Complete Collection Marc Singer eventually showed up in this, didn’t he? Anyhoo, all three seasons of the syndicated fantasy series; 66 episodes in all.

The Five Doctors: 25th Anniversary (!!!!) Edition. Seriously, Tom Baker, couldn’t you have just played along? Also DVDs for The Time Meddler (Hartnell) and Black Orchids (Davison—a rare only two-parter)

Get Smart S1 (Yay!) Amazon is selling it cheapest, by the way–$17 for 30 episodes!

Ben Ten S4; Masters of Science Fiction CS; Robin Hoods S1&2; Star Trek OS S2 (Remastered); Wire in the Blood S5

Movie of the Week: Rogue! Finally! And screw you, Weinsteins, you sucks.

Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers: 20th Anniversary Edition Really the best of the ’80s self-mocking, nudity drenched DTV movies. Linnea Quigley and Michelle Bauer are gorgeous, and many of the jokes are actually *gasp* funny. Seriously, good stuff. Maxim Magazine called it “the 4th best B-movie of all time.”

Maneater Series: The Hive — Killer ants, oddly, not killer bees. But then, bees wouldn’t eat people. Stars Tom Wopat. Given history, this will eventually come out in a set, two, with a couple of other movies.

Rustler’s Rhapsody – Paramount is putting out simply tons of ’80s movies (D.A.R.Y.L.! Summer School! Uncommon Valor! A zillion more!) today under the rubric “I Love the ’80s,” and each has its fans, no doubt. But if you have seen this genial but genuinely funny western spoof, give it a look. Tom Berenger should have been a much bigger star. (Also, James Garner’s Support Your Local Sheriff. Classic stuff.)

And, per Eric’s suggestion:

Werewolf/Future War (reviewed here!)/Laserblast/First Spaceship on Venus

Oh, and he suggested this link too:

Oh, and Eric also suggested I put a link to these up.

That Eric’s a weird dude.

New to Blu Ray:

Starship Troopers (Alone and in set with DTV sequels), Lonesome Dove

  • Ericb


  • Yoda slippers! Yes! Let the nightmares begin!

  • Well, that reaction takes all the fun out of it.

    Where’s Eric gotten to? Umbrage, people! I demand umbrage!

  • Ericb

    I use them as voodoo dolls.

  • But when you lay the curse, don’t you have to talk in that annoying backward speech?

  • Ericb

    Nah, that’s just a superstition. You can lay a curse using plain old English.

  • BeckoningChasm

    Davison had a handful of two-parters: The King’s Demons and The Awakening I recall off the top of my head. Sorry for being such a geek.

  • I have to admit, I wasn’t a Davison fan, but it’s entirely possible they went to more of those under his regime. If I remember correctly, however, Tom Baker in seven years had but one two-parter, the Sontarian Experiment.

  • fish eye no miko

    MST! Doctor Who! Oh, decisions, decisions…

  • Doctor Who or MST3K? The answer is clear!

    Yoda Slippers!

  • fish eye no miko

    Actually, I went with MST. But… thanks?

  • Ericb

    Those slippers look like they would be good nightmare fuel for some little kid.

  • John Nowak

    I remember seeing Rustler’s Rhaphsody in the theater and liking it a lot. But still, I also remember hearing this exchange

    WOULD-BE SIDEKICK: I painted a circle around my horse’s eye!

    COWBOY HERO: You’re weird.

    and wondering if there was anyone in North America aside from me who got it.

  • Ericb

    Would that be a reference to Pete from the Little Rascals?

  • The Rev. D.D.

    About time we got a good DVD of Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers. I haven’t seen that since Joe Bob Briggs left the Movie Channel…

    Definitely need to the get MST3K as well. Two episodes I really enjoy, and two I’ve never seen? Gotta get on that!