I’ll have to wait until it’s on DVD…

But I can’t wait to see HBO’s John Adams mini-series.  We Americans really need to plumb our amazing history for more dramas like this, and John and Abigail Adams were a truly fascinating couple whose lives were firmly enmeshed in the creation of our nation.  And Paul Giamotti as Adams and Laura Linney as Abigail?  Perfect.  I’d love if one of the DVD extras involved the two reading some of the Adams’ voluminous and incredibly loving letters to one another. 

  • Interesting. I’ve got free HBO for six months as part of a promo deal, so maybe I’ll check it out.

  • Wow. This is real? I wish I had HBO so I could see it.

    I always thought son Quincy, though, was the more interesting John Adams. Got into verbal fights with the biggest jack@$$ of his time Andy Jackson, fought for the slaves on the Amistad, regularly swam naked in the Potomac … John Quincy Adams was my kind of guy.