TCM this week…

As I noted last week, Turner Classic Movies has been kind enough to start slating camp/genre flicks on Friday and Sunday late nights.  So it would be rude not to take notice.

Friday the 14th (Times Eastern Standard):

2:15 AM: Night of the Lepus.  Stuart Whitman invents a hare growth formula.  Man, I’m funny.

4:00 AM:  Attack of the Puppet People:  Bert I. Gordon and John Agar….mmmm, that’s good soup.

Sunday the 16th:

12:15 AM: Metropolis.  Hmm, last Sunday it was The X from Outer Space.  That’s quite a range, there.  Still, the great silent sci-fi film is always worth a look.

By the way, Saturday the 15th at 8:15 PM, they are showing Laurel & Hardy’s brilliant Sons of the Desert.  If you haven’t acquainted yourselves with the Boys, you’re missing out on one of life’s great pleasures.

  • The Rev. D.D.

    I love that they’re doing this stuff. I finally got to see Death Race 2000, and it seemed to be completely uncut to boot. What a hoot that was! I see why it’s fondly regarded by a lot of B-movie fans.
    (Still can’t get over what a raging prick Stallone was in it. Nice turn there.)

    I taped Gassssss! another night as well, but I haven’t had the time to inflict it on myself yet.