Ken’s Big Score…

So for about ten years now, some people from work and I get together and watch movies once a month, rotating who the host is.  (The location is generally my place; the host picks the movie, the place to eat, the snacks, etc.)  Being a very witty, droll group, we call this “Movie Night.”  I think we’re a bit surprised it’s still going on after all these years.

So last night they also incorporated some stuff for my recent birthday, which was nice although hardly necessary.  (All the nicer for that, actually.) 

Therese Odlevak, the host, spent a couple of days making me a simply delicious coconut sheet cake, which took that long because it has to be soaked in coconut oil, or something.  Anyway, that made it extremely moist, which is how I like my cakes, and the frosting was perfect, just sweet enough without being too much, and heavy on the coconut.  Yum.  

So I got a very cool Wolf Man T-Shirt from my pal Tony, and Dan (Therese’s husband) and Therese also gave me a copy of Bender’s Big Score, the Futurama ‘movie’ that came out this week.  Luckily I hadn’t ordered it from Amazon yet because I needed another item to trigger the free shipping, and I’m now officially a cheap bastard (when I’m not buying stuff that I’ll never get around to, anyway).  Still, Amazon did me a solid, as they got it for me because it was the highest ranked item on my Amazon wish list.  So all in all, it was a pretty great evening.

Oh, and did you see what I did with this blog post title?  It’s a take-off on “Bender’s Big Score.”  (Which is itself a take-off on Shaft’s Big Score, but anyway.)  See?  That kind of clever writing is why they gave me a blog in the first place.

  • Coconut cake? Uh, ick. Nice of her to make it, though.

  • Being a fat slob, I had in fact no problem finishing it off in pieces. Man, that was good cake.