BEDTIME STORIES 28-Jan Adam Sandler tells his niece and nephew crazy bedtime tales, wackiness ensues when they start coming true.
CONFESSIONS OF A SHOPAHOLIC 15-Jan Latest adaptation of a popular Chick Lit novel. I’m not knocking it, just not my bag.
ESCAPE FROM WITCH MOUNTAIN March 08 Remake of Disney’s ’70s paranormal kiddie movie, to star The Rock. (Really.)
HANNA MONTANA Apparently an adaptation of a Disney Channel kid’s show.
HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 3 These come out to theaters? I did not know that.
PROPOSAL Sandra Bullock is a mean boss facing deportation back to Canada (oh, a sci-fi movie) who sham marries assistant Ryan Reynolds to stay in the country. This is the kind of film you don’t even have to see, because you can just imagine it in your head and be 98% accurate.
WHEN IN ROME MAYBE Could find no details.
Ken’s Thoughts: Apparently the kiddie market is serving Disney well these days.