Worst movie videos…

Jabootu Proofing Chief Carl Fink (hey, he does the best he can against the deluge!) sent me a link to this video.  It has some pretty funny stuff in it.


As you can see from the sidebar, apparently lots of folks assemble these.  (Who knew?)  See the Mike Gold scene from On Deadly Ground as an apt choice for The Worst Movie Scene Ever. 

Speaking of, if you type in Facts of Life Down Under, you can watch the entire telemovie (in 12 parts) when the cast of yet another TV show went to Oz.

  • Check out the trivia section of the imdb entry for Shark Attack 3.

    Also, I always assumed that the fight scene in On Deadly Ground was just a normal fight scene, but that hand slapping thing somehow made it worse. The bad guy was already beaten after the first slap. “Nauseating” was the perfect word to describe it.