I’m off (read that as you will)….

I’ve got my pith helmet and machete, and am preparing to travel to the wilds of Knoxville to study the natives down there, in particular Joe “Opposable Thumbs Video” Bannerman, his lovely wife Tina and their new daughter.  I’ll try to beat on him to start reviewing again.  (I know, glass houses and all that.)  It’s possible, I suppose, that we’ll watch a movie or two.
Back in about a week, so everybody take care and be safe.

  • Charles Goodwin

    Godspeed, Ken, and enjoy your trip!

  • Ericb

    Watch out for elephants!

  • Ericb

    Actually I porbably should amend that to say

    Watch our for stock footage elephants!

  • Ed Richardson

    Have a safe and enjoyable trip Ken. Watch out for back to school traffic. It’s nuts here.

  • Ed Richardson

    What did I tell you guys would happen to Invasion? It happened:

    Nicole Kidman Bombs With ‘INVASION’…


    Let me summarize: $100 million to make, opened this weekend to a horrid $2m in box office receipts. Go get the 78 remake of Invasion of the Body Snatchers starring Donald Sutherland, Brooke Adams, Jeff Goldblum, Veronica Cartright, Leonard Nemoy.

    Incidentally, that film’s revenues were triple its production costs. I consider it better than the 1956 original. Remaking classics is tough enough, but remakes of classic remakes…you just don’t go there for $100m.

  • BeckoningChasm

    Gee, I just came back from Knoxville. What are the odds? Well, pretty good I guess…

  • The Rev. D.D.

    Hope the trip was great fun and highly enjoyable!