Lameness to continue for this next week…

This is particularly appalling after I held so many of you up for your hard earned cash, but since I’m leaving town on Thursday to visit Joe “Opposable Thumbs Video” Bannerman and his wife and their new daughter, it’ll be the weekend after this before I get much of *anything* up.

After that, though, my decks are basically clear.  I’ve had a succession of visiting family in for the last month or more, and other calls on my time.  After I return next Wednesday, however, my appointment book will return to its normal ‘completely empty’ state, and I’ll start cranking away on reviews and such.  Promise.  I’ve a ton of movies sitting on my TV set, calling my name, and I’ll be getting to them as soon as possible.  Which, again, looks to be near the end of next week.

In the meantime, I hope everyone is enjoying the dog days of summer, and thanks for continuing to visit during this insanely lengthy dry spell.