Monster of the Day #3330
Speaking of, c’mon Haffner Press, where’s my hardcover, two-volume set of Silver John stories? (Yeah, I know, better to get it right….) Happy Hump Day for the masses, and happy Bofuri Day… Read Article →
Speaking of, c’mon Haffner Press, where’s my hardcover, two-volume set of Silver John stories? (Yeah, I know, better to get it right….) Happy Hump Day for the masses, and happy Bofuri Day… Read Article →
That’s a rough “half-dead.” I’m not sure how those hands work. And skele-snakes!
Happy (???) Monday, everyone! This would have been a great Halloween MotD, but hey, I just found it. Unless I’ve used it before, which is entirely possible. Still, neat. Friday’s Watch Party… Read Article →
We use a lot of pulp images for Monster of the Day. Here’s a nifty tome at a bargain price that covers a lot of that ground. The book is currently available… Read Article →
Just got an email from Kino’s Cult Movie streaming service. The headline: “We just added two more Jess Franco films”. Worst headline until they send one saying “We just added three more… Read Article →
I know this looks bad for the cowering guy, but I can’t help noticing that he’s wearing a suit made out of Bruce Banner’s Pants material. So the situation may be due… Read Article →
Vampire hunters. They never go to the crypt at noon. Am I the only one getting a “Kiss me, you fool!” vibe from that vampire?
I really like that cover. Although…is that supposed to be a coffin? Surely not.
Just a reminder. 9:00 EST per usual.
When 3-D goes horrible wrong. (And I’m pretty sure that one dude is just trying to look up that woman’s skirt.) We’ll back to reality. Not more holidays until the end of… Read Article →