Monster of the Day #3348

After the too arty Big Man Japan, we got a horrible arty short with…mimes. This was called The Adventure (2008). The really terrible part, because my shtick at B-Fest is that I don’t look at the schedule, is that I didn’t know if it were a short or a feature. A feature about mimes might have killed me after BMJ, so I was pretty relieved when it ended after 15 or 20 minutes.

Then came, as it turned out, my sponsored film, X the Unknown. The best part is you get to see the repugnant Anthony Newley get killed, even if he’s a bit player in this. It’s a pretty good movie, a Quatermass movie without Quatermass (since Hammer didn’t own the character). Some of the deaths are really shockingly gruesome for the time period. Leo McKern is in it, the black and white imagery just looks great, and, well, I like blob monsters. Chad R said it was basically a Jon Pertwee Doctor Who episode, and he was right in the best way.

  • These were the only two things that I could not get streaming the day of. But I did get my Blu-ray of X the Unknown from Amazon last night and how to have time to watch it tomorrow night.

    I’d already figured that The Adventure sounded like a pretentious mess, so didn’t make any effort to track it down. Sounds like I made the right decision.

  • X the Unknown is a damn fine film. Quite possible the best blob movie ever made.

  • Rock Baker

    Looks like I got back at just the right time. This flick is pretty great.

  • Gamera977

    I watched it last night, there’s a copy on the interwebz, colourized but complete. Some people complained about it being slow but the pace seemed fine to me. I guess it helps to be a fan of older films. Pretty solid and fun film in my humble opinion.

  • Rodford Smith

    A favorite. Though, yes, for years I thought it was a Quatermass movie. Which may be why I needed so long to find it on DVD.