Monster of the Day #3351

Revenge of the Nerds.

I had sponsored X the Unknown for B-Fest. You submit five titles, and they get the first one that’s available. As a bonus to me, someone else sponsored one of my other picks. Who doesn’t love Fiend Without a Face? Great movie with one of the absolute best payoffs of any sci-fi flick of the period. Just great. I have a foam rubber life-sized Fiend that always garners covetous glares from my peers. My only fear is that foam rubber is not designed to last forever, and I’ve probably already owned it 20 years.

Starting Basement Fest, our private Fest we started when B-Fest was closed for Covid. Two busy weekends in a row is a lot for a Hobbit like myself, but hey, life is hard. More on Basement Fest after I finish up on the B-Fest movies.

Anyway, happy Friday everyone. Watch something stupid.

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    I would be as cool as Ken if I only had a brain.

  • Gamera977

    My apologies to Dr. Seuss…

    I do not like a fiend that is a brain…
    I do not like a fiend that I can’t explain…
    I do not like a fiend that is a waste…
    I do not like a fiend without a face…

  • Eric Hinkle

    So. Has anyone else heard that Ricou Browning has passed on? Fare thee well, Gill Man, and thanks for the movies.