Jabootu's Bad Movie Dimension

Monster of the Day #1694

OK, I haven’t seen this, so maybe in the movie itself this is just a guy wearing an alligator skin. However, my faith sustains me. B-Fest is next week already. Good grief.

Monster of the Day #1693

Here’s the IP that ‘inspired’ the upcoming Rock wants-to-be blockbuster and franchise tentpole. I mean, it’s kind of crazy, right? Or is it me?

Monster of the Day #1688

This one actually looks promising, as everyone who saw it in the theater (a good half dozen people) immediately dubbed it terrible. Ah, but my heart has been broken so many times.

Monster of the Day #1687

Again, not a great year for monster movies, which audiences by and large seem indifferent too these days Hopefully Warners/Legendary can make the Godzillaverse work for people (I rather liked Skull Island),… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #1686

A Gillman love story? Del Toro, you magnificent bastard. Here’s to a great 2018, everyone! See some of you at the end of the month.

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