Jabootu's Bad Movie Dimension

Monster of the Day #764

Finally, a shark young girls can love. (Actually, it does suggest a way for the SyFy Channel to do a National Velvet redo.)

Monster of the Day #763

So…Stuff I Found on the Internet Week? Maybe. I’ve got to start planning this stuff better. Anyway, yes, I *would* watch a SyFy movie about this.

Monster of the Day #762

Maybe it’s because I look a lot more like the chap in the back then those in the front, but this cover rubs me the wrong way somehow.

Monster of the Day #761

Man, that’s just…gorgeous. Surely someone could make as a good of a living these days just painting things like this and selling the originals and prints? No spiders tomorrow, but the general… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #760

GOT-AAAAH DANCE! [Cue frenetic bongo beat] If yesterday’s lady looked bored by the the giant spider shenanigans, this one seems positively ecstatic.

Monster of the Day #758

Oh, brother, another week of GalaxyJane carping about how these covers are demeaning to women. This is one of the better Georgia O’Keeffe sci-fi covers. Still, I have to ask…how the heck… Read Article →

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