Jabootu's Bad Movie Dimension

Monster of the Day #3100

There’s are a myriad of hidden gems on YouTube. Yesterday I came across a channel, Horrorwitz, that has posted an ongoing (?) series of 15 minutes videos documenting the history of Mexican… Read Article →

Monster of the #3099

Sometimes (a lot of the time), you just want something…goofy. And nobody does goofy horror like Mexico back in the ’60s. There’s a somewhat washed-out copy of World of the Vampires on… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #3098

Rather a change from yesterday, we have Bert I Gordon’s best movie, for what that’s worth. It’s definitely kiddie fare, but it’s a fun bit of sword and sorcery, and Gordon definitely… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #3096

“Ear…BUD! I said I wanted an Ear BUD, you moron!” Looking for a double bill partner this weekend for the just previously featured Squirm? Try William Castle’s utterly nutzoid Bug. Both are… Read Article →

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