Jabootu's Bad Movie Dimension

Monster of the Day #786

Well, no surprise here, as several people had predicted it. Still, it’s the Grandfather of Japanese ghost movies. Easy to see where the ghost girl from Ringu originated, she’s basically the daughter… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #784

Monsters very seldom enter the cultural lexicon anymore; this might be the primary example of successfully doing so this century. And the American remake is a rare example of turning out a… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #781

Big surprise here. Still, these were heady days in early nerd culture. A big time breakfast manufacturer built (successfully) an entire line of cereals based on old monster movies, figuring kids liked… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #780

Not the most suspenseful week, true. Still, even if I never really ate the cereal, I’ll take this guy over, say, the Monster from Van Helsing anyday.


Just got confirmation of the dates for B-Fest 2014, and as expected, it’s the last Friday / Saturday combo of January, i.e. the 24th-25th. Anyway wishing rough accomodations, local travel arrangements, general… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #778

Here’s Sandy’s favorite, apparently. I don’t know if I’ve ever tried this, actually. I do like orange dreamsicle-flavored stuff, though. Indeed, I’m very excited because Friday my local Culver’ s is offering… Read Article →

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