Jabootu's Bad Movie Dimension

Monster of the Day #3188

While the technology of the day didn’t allow for the mass produced, affordable models themselves to look much like the actual actors (sometimes exacerbated by the paint jobs; in this case I… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #3187

For the “Monster Kid” generation, raised on Famous Monsters of Filmland and watching (or trying to watch) scratchy, edited prints of old monster movies our on teeny black and white sets, desperately… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #3184

We haven’t checked out Amazon Prime for a while. They now feature Voodoo Woman, another AIP movie that again cannibalizes Paul Blaisdell’s suite from The She-Creature. Man, that thing got a lot… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #3183

So…Disney now owns the Alien franchise (and Predator) because they bought Fox. And apparently they’ve now declared that Alien will be there next “mega-franchise.” This is mostly to pump Disney + I… Read Article →

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