Monster of the Day #3188

While the technology of the day didn’t allow for the mass produced, affordable models themselves to look much like the actual actors (sometimes exacerbated by the paint jobs; in this case I think the eyes were made a bit too big), the box art showed that the images of the actors themselves were licenced. This is clearly meant to be Lon Chaney Jr, for instance. I think the first actor’s family that challenged Universal Studios “owning” the image of the actor was Bela Lugosi’s family–Bela Jr was actually a lawyer, which might have been a factor. So I do vaguely remember that the box art of the Aurora kits eventually got changed to present a more generic Dracula.

  • “You think David Banner had it bad! Me, I shed! Fur everywhere! And the blood and gore, it covers everything! Even my pockets! And forget shoes, I never keep a pait of socks. I mean, if it weren’t for– RAT! RAT! NIBBLING AT MY ANKLES! OH GOD, WORST NIGHT EVVA!!

  • Gamera977

    I remember years ago seeing on the internet someone used brown flocking to try to give the wolfman fur. Flocking is hard to describe but you put down a coat of glue on a surface and then sprinkle the flocking on and when it dries it gives a felt-like fuzzy look to it. Model car guys use it for interiors.

    The results weren’t pretty…

  • KeithB

    Wolfman with the mange?

  • Gamera977

    Yeah, pretty much. He also got the glue everywhere so the flocking ended up stuck to the Wolfman’s pants, his eyeballs, even the rocks. Guess you could have painted what was on the rocks green and told people it was moss though…

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Just tell everyone it’s not JUST a werewolf, it’s also werepants and wererocks.

  • Rock Baker

    This was my first such kit. While it didn’t resemble Chaney very much, the Mummy kit was a spot-on likeness.

  • Rishi Jha

    Off topic: Ken, I had exchanged emails with you almost a decade ago(2012). I am a filmmaker and a huge fan of your writing. Can I get an email to get in touch with?


  • Ken_Begg

    Of course, Fox’s Werewolf was exactly that show.

  • Ken_Begg

    of course! I’m at

  • Ken_Begg

    I just noticed that this paint job makes me think this werewolf is actually William S. Preston, Esq. Not excellent!