Monster of the Day #3181

Ooh, Italy.*

[*Months ago I was watching an episode of some random anime…I know, what are the odds. I think it was Strikes Witches. Aliens (I think) were threatening Earth, and the only weapon against them was, well, strike witches. To wit, lolis (of course) who take off like fighter planes from aircraft carriers via these like magically charged metal boots they wear. Said boots require them, as one would surmise, to wear either short shorts or short skirts so we get a lot of absolute territory and loads of fan service and whatnot. Look, it’s just that kind of show.  There’s a whole anime about a sport where girls have to knock each other off floating platforms using only their boobs or butts, and they have Naruto-like boob and butt power attacks. And it’s pretty good, actually. So anyway, Strike Witches. So when we first see the loli warriors use their  magic to engage what are basically jet boots, they manifest their power by growing cat ears and tails. I looked upon this and said, simply but affectionately, “Ooh, Japan.” So now that’s a thing I say.]

Happy weekend, everyone!

  • kgb_san_diego

    Ohhhhh Italy, indeed. Ilsa battles a dinosaur? Why not?

  • Beckoning Chasm

    That creature has stolen Reptilicus’ drool!

  • Gamera977

    And we all love the Japanese and Italians for it!!!

    I was looking for some civilian figures to go with military and auto model kits and it’s odd the number of Japanese figures of schoolgirls and other young women in short skirts brandishing katanas. Not complaining but found it interesting. And yes I did buy a couple of them…

  • Ken_Begg

    If you have a Netflix account check out Girls und Panzer. It’s a cute girls doing cute things show; the cute thing is the venerable girl’s high school sport of non-fatally fighting with other school’s teams in refurbished WWII tanks. It’s the sort of weirdness I love about anime.

  • Gamera977

    I don’t have a Netflix account right now but I did watch a couple episodes on YouTube. I’m going to have to look around and see if there are any new episodes posted there.

  • Gamera977

    Two of the films I picked up from Japanese Samurai DVD were ‘Onechanbara: The Movie’ and ‘Chanbara Beauty: The Movie – Vortex’. Seems they’re based on a PlayStation game I’ve never heard of. Still they’re both live-action films with a cute Japanese gal in a bikini hacking up zombies with a katana.

    I swear they just filmed my dreams!!!

    (Okay, actually my dreams would be a leggy Korean gal in a bikini hacking up werewolves. But it’s close enough)

    The video quality is so-so. Not really bad but not great DVD quality. Still no complaints since I only paid ten bucks a pop for each.

  • Ken_Begg

    Netflix has the regular first and only season (12 episodes) and the movie, which has a LOT of tank battles and is fun. There are several OVAs for Girls und Panzer that they don’t have (OVAs are like side episodes, sometime produced purely to be bundled with manga volumes or whatnot). Six are shorts running from five to 20 minutes exploring different facets of the show’s world, which I own on the official blu ray. A forty minute movie/OVA featuring the “Italian” team and their tanks came out recently and I’m going to buy it the next time Sentai Filmworks is having a sale.

    There is also Girls und Panzer Der Finale, which as I understand it will be three movies. One was made a few years ago, one is being released in Japan this spring, and the third one will come presumably in a few years. There are also Girls und Panzer video games and, of course, the manga. It’s a weirdly popular franchise. See also the super tank nerd on YouTube who does videos detailing all the insane tank in-jokes featured on the show.

    Really, if you ever have a weekend you want to devote to it (or one day, even) just use a Netflix free trial code and then cancel before you get billed.

  • Ken_Begg

    As long as they are watchable that’s good enough for me. Thanks for the info!

  • Gamera977

    Thanks! I had no idea there was this much stuff out there. Will keep an eye out!

  • Eric Hinkle

    Aw, what did werewolves ever do to you? XD

  • Eric Hinkle

    Ah, the poster art for ‘Ilsa of the SS versus Loch Ness’.

  • Ken_Begg

    Gamera, email me at I have a spare DVD for the regular season, IF you actually want to see it. If you’re just being polite or don’t actually think you’ll get to it, that’s fine, don’t feel obligated. But I bought a couple extras when they were on clearance exactly so I could hand a copy or two out.

  • Gamera977

    Hey Ken thanks for such a generous offer. It’s not a matter of not being interested and just being polite though. It’s just that I’ve got so much stuff on my plate right now. I’m about half-way though ‘Space 1999’ and I keep hearing about how good ‘The Expanse’ is but haven’t had time to get to it. And that’s plus about a hundred movies on my Amazon Prime list.

    I still have my Netflix account, just haven’t used it for about two years now, Amazon Prime has more stuff I like to watch. If I get a little more free time I’ll activate my Netflix account for a month and give it a go. Even if I have to pay since I already have an account it’s worth a shot.

    Thanks again!!!

  • Gamera977

    It’s the ancient wolves vs. turtles feud…

    Really zombies just bore me. After killing a zillion or so as first level starter monsters in a million RPGs they just don’t frighten me. I mean they’re basically the same as goblins or giant rats. When you have a have a friggin’ army of them attacking just to be a threat I think they’re over-rated.

    On the other hand werewolves are scary. They’re nasty, horrible, frightening things. A fight against just one is a serious matter.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Yeah. I got pretty tired of the whole ‘cannibal zombie’ thing long ago. I think I prefer them when the horror is that you or someone could become a lifeless, soulless, mindless thing, a slave less than even an animal and forced to obey someone’s bidding without rest or peace for all eternity.

    And while I like werewolves (and wolves) as much when they’re not evil, I agree that when properly done they’re scary because they have some cunning and won’t just walk into a hail of gunfire. Much the same way as I like the AD&D style/HPL-style ghoul, for being a nasty slobbering cannibal thing that’s smart enough to make plans and do things like turn parts of their victims into decoration for the lair (think Leatherface’s house from the first TCM).

  • Ken_Begg

    No problem, they were clearance selling the series super cheap so I bought lots of give away copies, so it wasn’t that big of a deal. But yes, there’s a LOT of content to hack through.