Monster of the Day #3184

We haven’t checked out Amazon Prime for a while. They now feature Voodoo Woman, another AIP movie that again cannibalizes Paul Blaisdell’s suite from The She-Creature. Man, that thing got a lot of use.

  • Gamera977

    Before on the left and after on the right at the Voodoo Beauty Academy?

    BTW: Watched another of the six DVDs I ordered from Japanese Samurai DVD- ‘The Haunted Castle’ 1969. Basically a different variation on the cursed vengeance ghost cat story of ‘Ghost Cat Manor’ but it’s different enough to make it worth watching as well. In fact I think I liked this one a little better- ‘GCM’ has a framing story set in the present while the meat of the plot occurs back in medieval times. ‘THC’ is entirely set in the past which gives a bit more time for the plot and character development. Like the two ‘Chanbara’ movies it’s about the quality of a good VHS tape. There’s a little snow and not the best definition but overall the video is clear and looks fine.

  • Ken_Begg

    I like Japanese ghost stories, so I’m sure I’ll be grabbing some of these. Thanks for the reviews!

  • Gamera977

    Thanks for the recommendation. I’d never even heard of Japanese Samurai DVD until you brought it up.

  • You’ve read Kwaidan by Lafcadio Hearn, then (and not just seen the movie based on some of its tales)?

  • Ken_Begg

    I hadn’t, but it’s available for 99 cents for my Kindle, so I just bought it. Thanks!