Jabootu's Bad Movie Dimension

Monster of the Day #767

The ‘environmentally friendly’ solution to those big New Mexico desert ants proved less than optimal. Don’t know what I’ll do for the rest of the week (although this would be a terrific… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #764

Finally, a shark young girls can love. (Actually, it does suggest a way for the SyFy Channel to do a National Velvet redo.)

Monster of the Day #763

So…Stuff I Found on the Internet Week? Maybe. I’ve got to start planning this stuff better. Anyway, yes, I *would* watch a SyFy movie about this.

Monster of the Day #762

Maybe it’s because I look a lot more like the chap in the back then those in the front, but this cover rubs me the wrong way somehow.

Monster of the Day #761

Man, that’s just…gorgeous. Surely someone could make as a good of a living these days just painting things like this and selling the originals and prints? No spiders tomorrow, but the general… Read Article →

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