The Kickstarter that Saved T-Fest…

Kickstarter, is there anything it can’t do?

Some may remember that Sandy Petersen, gentleman, scholar, big time game creator and T-Fest host, had earlier this year launched a sadly failed Kickstarter for a proposed electronic Cthulhu game.

When that didn’t come off as they had hoped, Sandy and his compatriots decided to take the game in a completely other direction, making it an actual, physical board game.

The Kickstarter for that began a couple of days ago, and in a rather dramatic turn of events, quickly soared past the asked for $40,000. It currently stands at nearly ten times that amount. That amount of money calls for a ton of stretch goals, meaning that Sandy will not be traveling to India for a year, but staying home to attend to that.

So T-Fest 2013 is back on. See you in Dallas on Saturday, Nov 2nd.

Speaking of successful Kickstarters, it was a far closer thing, but a last minute surge of donations pushed the Kickstarter for Harbinger Down over the finishing line. That proposed film, sort of reminiscent of John Carpenter’s The Thing, will be made with fully practical effects, and starring Lance Henriksen. It thus seems to have targeted exactly to the Ken Begg micro-demographic. Congrats to those fine folks, and man, I can’t wait to see the movie.

  • kgb_san_diego

    Yea!!!!!!!!! I will make plans to be there Nov. 2nd.

    Very cool about Harbinger Down. The Ken Begg micro-demographic might be bigger than you think — I am pumped for this as well…

  • MrTongoRad

    Congratulations and best wishes to Sandy and Associates!

    I look forward to reading the reports from T-fest.

  • The Rev.

    I know Ken likes to keep it clean, but this totally deserves a FUCK YEAH!!!

    Oddly enough, I learned about this before your post; a couple of guys were discussing the upcoming board game at a local gaming/comics store this weekend, and said Sandy was working on it and had begun a Kickstarter for it and were discussing donating. I found myself wondering about that video game he was trying to get going, and then less than 48 hours later I find out the details here. Weird how things work sometimes.

    I was proud of myself for not bragging to them about how I’m friends with Sandy and that I’ve been to his house three times. It’s the first chance I have had to do so, and I thought I comported myself nicely. It was not easy, I will admit.

  • GalaxyJane

    This may be an odd question, but is there any chance I could get a list of the planned slate before the actual Fest day?
    We can’t be there ourselves, in part because it happens to fall on the date that we are planning our (later than usual) annual Halloween/Anniversary/Bad Movie party here in Virginia. Thought it might be fun to start early with our local movie gang and watch the same slate here (as much as possible). I’ll perform my usual snarking via Facebook.

  • Ken_Begg

    I should warn you, this will be a *very* heavy Sandy slate. But yes, I don’t see why not, once we start assembling it.

    I’m also thinking of holding V-Fest as well. I mean, why not, right?

  • The Rev.

    Would that be the idea someone proposed where everyone watches and comments on Facebook? I thought that sounded pretty neat. I liked when Teleport City did that with with a few others via Twitter.

  • Ken_Begg

    Ugh, then I’d have to go on Facebook. Oh, well.

  • GalaxyJane

    You can just look over the shoulder of one of your non-Luddite friends and whisper to them what they should type.

  • The Rev.

    Well, what is V-Fest then? What were you planning?

    I’m still not on Facebook either, but more and more people have, or currently are, pressuring me. The lady of the house, Joe Bannerman, a couple of in-laws, and now T-Fest’s Brangelina (aka KirknPatty, aka Katty, aka Mr. and Mrs. Future Discovery Channel stars) started in on me at Tween-Fest this year. I keep resisting because I know I’d have very little time to get on it and actually do anything, which would then lead to all those people complaining that I’m not on there enough.

    Oh, thinking of things I have little time for…I need to start writing my 2013 TwF write-up. On that note…Ken, did any of those copies of the 2012 TF write-up ever come to you with the images successfully showing?

  • Ken_Begg

    The joke’s on you. I don’t have any friends!

    Hey, wait….