Oh my goodness, is that friggin’ LUKE CAGE?! That’s Luke Cage, right? How the hell is Marvel making all my childhood dreams come true like this?* Thank goodness I’m not a DC fan!
[*OK, I’d still prefer a ’70s Blaxploitation Luke Cage movie, but hell, I’ll take it.]So Coulson’s obviously alive, a nice little mystery element. Some are arguing that he didn’t really die in The Avengers, but I think that would be way too much of a cheat. His demise was the core of that movie, so saying it didn’t happen would be a massive pisser.
This is a SHIELD show, so I’m assuming his consciousness has been downloaded into a LMD, a part of SHIELD mythology since the ’60s. There was a rumor flying around after The Avengers came out that Coulson would be brought back as the Vision. This could be the source of those rumors, either as a slight misreading of the situation, or as a step towards that actually happening.
I’m happy enough following the SHIELD agents every week (or however often I get to watch this; maybe Paul & Holly can DVR it). They don’t need a new superhero or even supervillain popping up every week. But it’s nice spice for the stew, that’s for sure.