Help is on the way…

  • Cullen Waters

    Both look very bad, but will that stop me from watching them? No. Knowing me, it’ll be multiple times…

  • Flabngepart

    Yeah, I’ll be watching. I mean if it won’t cost me any moola.

    Of course, seeing Harpoon anti-ship missles, with 500lb warheads, not only get used on the wrong kinda target, but have puny explosions id gonna mutate my riff factor by of a +5 nerd response…
    QUEEN CRAB. Must avoid…Pulosi comment…at all…costs…

  • Very ‘Earth Vs The Spider’ look. Almost looks like a remake.

  • Ericb

    That How to Catch a Huntsman Spider video that appears among the choices after the Giant Spider trailer is probably more suspenseful than either of those films. Of course being somewhat arachnophobic myself probably makes is 10 times more nail biting for me than for a normal person.

  • Is that spider thing a real movie? Or yet another spoof? Either way, I’m seeing some wonderful visuals. I think Ken might be onto something about how simplicity makes for iconic imagery, as there’s something about a giant tarantula that works more so than any number of other menaces. That first shot of the spider is just beautiful. I’ve said it before and I stand by it: the future of the movies belongs to the little independent guys. Please, Ken, do let us know when this film is out!

    As to the crab movie, the monster is nice, but it doesn’t look like they got the point at all. Still, I doubt I’d turn down a chance to screen it. I wouldn’t expect much (SHARKTOPUS level stupidity is very likely) but I’d give it a go.

  • The Rev.

    The crab one…the stop-motion’s charming, but other than that it comes off like a Siffy movie, at best. I see the Polonia Brothers are responsible; I recall Nathan Shumate hating pretty much everything of theirs he watched, so it might not even be Siffy quality.

    The spider one…that I like the look of. A couple of nice visual jokes, I like the real spider running around…that comes off as a playful homage.

    I’d be much more likely to watch the spider one, but knowing me I’ll watch both.

  • Gamera977

    A giant spider the size of grain silo? Gee whiz, this guy has no idea what he’s talking about- giant animals have to use relative naval sizes. If it’s not as big as a battleship at least say it’s the size of a PT boat…

  • Both those movies looks better than the film version of The 47 Ronin Starring Keanu Reaves that we’re supposed to get (inflicted on us) soon.

  • Ken_Begg

    But…but…it has Lord of the Ring-style fantasy elements!

  • Gee, that’s all we need — the 47 Ronin confront orc ashigaru and a balrog swinging a tetsubo. Gosh, just like in REAL history!

    I wonder what genius decided that story of the 47 Ronin, of all things, apparently wasn’t exciting enough and “It needs fantasy stuff!” Then again, who thought that the best actor to be the lead for this movie was Keanu Reeves?

  • The Rev.

    If nothing else, I’d like to see that just because the tetsubo doesn’t get enough cinematic love. (Absolutely no other reason, though.) I about plotzed when Go-Go Yubari busted out a meteor hammer.

  • Yeah, I’d like to see a scene where some katana-wielding samurai get his sword and skull crushed with a tetsubo myself. I met entirely too many ‘OMG katanas are like Jedi lightsabers d00d’ types in the day.