I’m not going to rip a guy upon his demise, but I’ll just say that you can put me in the rather large segment of society that never got the appeal of Jess Franco. Yes, he could occasionally come up with a really neat image. Yet the overwhelmingly soporific quality of his work never played for me, and his mania for largely unmotivated zoom shots every three seconds drives me nuts. I will moreover be caddish enough to note my belief that it was mostly his propensity for abundant nudity back in the day that drew many of his fans.
Quite possibly the single most insane thing I’ve ever heard in my life was Tim Lucas’ contention that “to understand” even one of Franco’s films, you needed to have seen all of them. All 200 of them, he meant. This sounded like it was meant to forestall any criticism of the Great Man’s work. Don’t you dare, unless you have tracked down and watched all his movies; maybe watched most of them several times. I admire Lucas a great deal, but man, that’s nuts. I realize Franco’s work spoke to him on an extremely deep and personal level, but…well, let’s just say to each his own. Fans of Franco will find a much more reverent take on the director’s passing on Lucas’ Video Watchblog.
I do have a Netflix copy of Franco’s Dracula: Prisoner of Frankenstein sitting around my house. So I’ll try to give that a gloss this weekend.
In the end, I’m sure Franco was a nice enough guy, and he made a lot of movies, and he kept working to the end. Surely he was blessed in being able to do what he loved his entire life. He mystified many of us, but touched others deeply. Not a bad life.