At Sandy Petersen’s house in Rockwall. Further details can be had by mailing me at
This is the Audience Participation Fest. At last summer’s T-Fest, attendees selected 20 items from a long list of common B-movie elements. The films this Fest will feature these elements. I have to say, to get all 20 proved more of a chore than I anticipated, but we cracked it. I will say there is a high crazy factor, and we might run maybe an hour or so longer than usual. We’ll probably want to make 10:00 a hard start time because of that.
Sadly, I most likely will not be returning to Texas this year for T-Fest. So I’ll be trying to cram in as much stuff as possible this time around. Sandy will be programming the Friday night movies, so be warned.
I’m sure we’ll get together for dinner in Houston on the Thursday of again, although we were also mulling going to see The Best of Both Worlds episodes of ST:TNG, which are playing in theaters that night. So more details on that to come.
Anyone needing info, like Sandy’s address et al, just drop me a note. Sandy can usually provide accommodations for those that need them as well.
See you soon!