Although it’s only a matter of time before Chicago’s lovely venerable Portage Theater falls to its Evil Empire new owner and is changed into an awful, crime-ridden music venue (like another the same guy already owns), a few other theaters seem to be trying to establish themselves as at least some sort of analogue to the famous Alamo Drafthouse chain in Texas.
Aside from the venerable Music Box Theatre, Chicago’s leading art cinema, who continues to run a weekly midnight movie and the occasional other cult movie event, the prime contender is the recently refurbished Logan Theatre. I’ve only head good things about the venue, and although it’s not my bag, I know they’ve added a bar on premises, again a sign they are going after that young college crowd.
The Logan is now showing a pair of old (mostly from the ’80s old, but still) movies every Friday and Saturday. Moreover, and although this isn’t great for us old farts with jobs, they are doing weekly cult movies on Wednesday nights at 10:30, showing primo crap for a mere $3. (I’m assuming they make a lot from liquor sales for those shows.)
Some upcoming stuff on the Wednesday Rewind slate:
2/27 Mankillers
3/6 The Killing of Satan (I showed this to Sandy last time I was in Dallas; it’s hilarious)
3/13 Boarding House
3/20 7 Lucky Ninja Kids
3/27 Baby Huey’s Easter Adventure
4/3 Liquid Sky
4/10 EvilSpeak
4/24 Get Even
5/1 Exterminator 2
5/8 Raiders: The Adaptation
5/15 Turkish Star Wars
5/22 The Dragon Lives Again
5/29 Hamburger: The Motion Picture
They also seem to be doing some later night Thursday shows, including Repo Man, Barbarella and Dune.
Some of their upcoming weekend movies include Amelie, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Clueless, E.T., The Last Waltz, The Wall, Purple Rain and Karate Kid.
That’s the lead contender, but then there’s the Patio Theater, which at least seeks to put itself in the conversation
On March 10th (predictably, the same date the nearby Portage is running their 24 hour sci-fi fest, mentioned in an earlier blog post), the Patio, currently Chicago’s only second run theater that I know of, will be featuring a triple Albert Pyun bill, including his latest film.
Mr. Pyun will be there in person, perhaps to explicate why his Captain America movie was so much better than Marvel’s. The bill runs from 7:00 to midnight, and will feature the Director’s Cut (!!) of Cyborg with Jean-Claude Van Damme, the Terminator knock-off Nemesis, and Road to Hell, the aforementioned new movie. Not bad for $12.
The Patio will also be showing Willow (??) on Saturday 3/2/13 – Monday 3/4/13. Times are Sat: 10:00pm, Sun: at 3:00pm, and Mon: 7:30pm.
The Warriors in 35mm will play on Fri March 22nd at 10:00pm and Mon March 25th at 7:30pm.
Coolest of all, arguably, is the Saturday March 30th showing of Shogun Assassin at 10:00. Yes, the Lone Wolf and Cub / Babycart Assassin film.
Then just today the Music Box put out their Spring catalogue. Showings of interest:
March 22, 23 & 24th: Showings of The Room with Tommy Wiseau and that other dude in attendance.
March 31st An Easter showing of the original Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.
May 12th a Mother’s Day showing of Mommie Dearest.
The weekend Matinee series will feature the work of Orson Welles, including showings of Citizen Kane, The Stranger, Magnificent Ambersons, Lady from Shanghai, Touch of Evil, F is for Fake and more.
The week of April 5th will see showings of Room 237, the critically lauded documentary on Kubrick’s The Shining.
Apr 22-25th will see the director’s cut (!!) of Ishtar. (!!!)
May 24th-27th Harold Lloyd’s seminal Safety Last (the one where he hangs off the clock).
And then the Midnight Showings:
1/2 The Terminator
8/9 Inferno (Argento)
3/15 Showgirls
3/16 Rocky Horror
29/30 The Shining
4/5 Detroit 9000 (COOL!)
12/13 Spinal Tap
20 Rocky Horror
26/27 Desperate Living
3/4 Fantastic Planet
10/11 Romeo & Juliet
17 The Room
18 Rocky Horror
24/25 Cannibal Holocaust
The Pickwick Theater, across the street from where I work right now, will see a showing of The Adventures of Robin Hood on Sunday, March 10th at 7:30. It’s a glorious movie in a glorious theater, and sponsored by the library I work at. They will also be sponsoring a showing of the silent classic The Black Pirate on Sunday, April 28th, starring Douglas Fairbanks. Of course, I am down in Texas that weekend.
Also at the Pickwick will be the normal six movies shown for G-Fest in nearby Rosemont; two double bills on Thursday, July 11th, and a late showing on both Friday and Saturday. Two announced titles (times TBA) are the original Gamera vs. Gyos and Gamera 3: The Awakening of Iris.
Moreover, that weekend perhaps coincidentally is the same that G. Del Toro’s giant monster / mecha movie Pacific Rim opens. The Pickwick will feature a Thursday night midnight showing of the film, so that should be a great crowd. And yes, that means five giant monster movies that day at the Pickwick!!
Anyone who wants to come into town for any of the above, but especially the G-Fest stuff, can get free (if lame) lodgings and transport with me. And free Super Dawgs.