I am a grown man…

I mean, blowing a hundred plus bucks to buy one of these babies to stick in my already crap-overstuffed house is something an adult would do, right?

And I must be an adult, because I just saw the Music Box Theatre downtown will be showing Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan soon to mark the 30th anniversary of the film’s release. Huh. 30th anniversary.

Anyway, screw the Danny Ketch Ghost Rider, with the spikes and chains and junk. This is the real one. I’d like the other Bowen GR too, but I can’t find that one for much under $300.

  • Ericb

    The thing is when you were in your teens and twenties you probably wouldn’t have been able to afford to blow 100 plus dollars on something like that. enjoy life while you can (says someone who spends ridiculous amount of money on books and CDs).

  • Ken_Begg

    Maybe, but when I gave up buying comic books regularly, I was blowing upwards or over $300 a month on them, and that was while using a service that mail them to me once a month at a substantial cover price discount. I think it was 40%. (This is why I still have dusty old longboxes full of unimaginable crap scattered all over my place–I was buying all sorts of weird stuff.)

    This was in the ’80s! Imagine what that would represent now.

  • If being an ‘adult’ means being a boring old stick-in-the-mud, then I don’t want to be an adult.

  • Gamera977

    You want us to judge you? Hell, I spent sixty bucks on a foot tall vinyl model kit of a giant fire-breathing turtle…

    You want it, you have the money to pay for it, more power to you Ken!

  • To each their own. If you want it (and can afford it) by all means. When the chance suddenly presented itself for me to get my mits on a long out of print disk of BLOOD FREAK, I jumped at it and didn’t look back! (Granted, the outfit selling it didn’t know what they had, so I got it for a comparative song. Still.)

    Sure, I still need to raise $300 to buy a tank of gas for the winter, and I’m getting tired of washing my laundry in the bathtub every day, but, you know, a man has to have, his, priorities…..

    Assuming you’re in better financial shape than I, Ken, by all means, fulfill your desires!

  • Ken_Begg

    As a bonus, I get to be that, too.

  • Ken_Begg

    Dude, I’ve got like six Gamera figures on my refrigerator top right now. Classic and revamp, of course.

  • Gamera977

    Thanks Ken, I feel so bad now, I only have two… (sniff)

  • Ken_Begg

    Ha! Loser!

  • Gamera977


  • I’ve got one of those laser cannons from THE WAR OF THE GARGANTUAS on my refrigerator! It was a gift, but I’ve still got one!

  • The Rev.

    Having been to Ken’s place, I can attest that he’s got a crapload of Gameras, and a collection of Godzilla figures than I, a massive kaiju fan, can not even come close to matching.

    Do not try to rival Ken in collecting stuff; you will only end up shamed and envious.

    Unless you’re Sandy.

  • GalaxyJane

    I recently spent rather too much money on a custom skirt that had been printed to look like the TARDIS, complete with the little FREE FOR THE USE OF THE PUBLIC door screened onto the lower left. I am officially no longer allowed to criticise anyone’s choice of stuff.

  • CumaeanSibyl

    At first I thought I must be an adult, because my question on looking at something like this is “So what does it do?”

    Then I thought perhaps I’m a child with very specific standards. I always preferred toys without built-in functions, because the one function was never that interesting and it affected the toy’s ability to perform others — a talking teddy bear has an uncuddly plastic box in its innards and a walking doll can’t wear standard clothes. Fixing your motorcycle guy to a ramp means you can’t play motorcycle guy and drive him along the top of the sofa making engine noises with your mouth.

    From the adult perspective, motorcycle guy* isn’t really any different from decorative objects accepted in any environment — china figurines, wooden carvings, antique utensils displayed instead of used. It’s just that he’s a motorcycle guy with his head on fire instead of a French shepherdess or an African elephant. And, frankly, I prefer him to something like Precious Moments, or those quasi-Native American “princesses” who look like Slavic aristocrats dipped in Minwax.

    *Yes, I know who Ghost Rider is. I even know that his name is Johnny Blaze, except that can’t be his name because nobody is named that. So he’s motorcycle guy.

  • Gamera977

    I would not tempt the wraith of Jabootu. I only bring it up for I seek to emulate the master in my humble form…

  • Gamera977

    A TARDIS skirt, wow that’s awesome!

  • LT_Harper

    $100.00? Good Lawd that’s a lot of money! With that money you could have fed the poor! See that’s why me need the government to take our money and put it to good use. Otherwise we just waste it on junk! Vote OBAMA!

  • GalaxyJane

    And it’s bigger on the inside to accomodate my expanding rear end. :-)

  • Ken_Begg

    So…your problem with the character is that his name is unrealistic.

  • Ken_Begg

    Yes, some folks have unwisely decided to focus on collecting romantic partners and children and all that sort of ‘a life’ stuff.

  • Ken_Begg

    I think if you wore your footie PJs and the TARDIS skirt at the same time, all of heads would explode. That would probably also work on Cybermen.

  • CumaeanSibyl

    I can only suspend so much disbelief at one time.

  • GalaxyJane

    I came *this* close to buying one-piece Perry the Platypus pajamas in my size yesterday. Those might have destroyed the entire TRI-STATE-AREA!!!! Mwahhhahhahhah….