Sick Day….

Sorry, folks. I have a pretty good summer cold going, and after putting up the MotD, I realized I just don’t want to be staring at a computer (or TV or whatever) today. Rock Baker’s Video Cheese will return next Thursday in its normal slot.

  • The Rev.

    Feel better, Ken.

  • MrTongoRad

    Woo Hoo! Ken’s away- let’s go crazy Broadway style!!!
    Nah… no worries, man. Get well soon; we’ll keep the place nice and tidy.

  • Gamera977

    Yeah, hope you feel better soon Ken. Get some bed rest- maybe even watch a good movie for a change!

  • Marsden

    Ken, I don’t know if your into vitamins or supplements or stuff like that but I take Echinacia and it really helps me from getting sick. It doesn’t help getting over anything faster once you get it, but preventing it seems to really help. Everytime I stop using it I get sick. Before I started it and stuck with it I’d catch something almost every month. I’m not trying to push it because things don’t always work for everyone, but that one sure helps me. Anyway, just thought I’d mention it because I hate being sick, good luck and I hope you feel better.

  • Ericb

    Another test, sorry

  • Guy Hoyle

    Ken, I recommend that you recruit a team of scientists (including a busty young woman and a sinister bald man with an English accent), equip them with an atomic mini-sub, shrink them down to the size of a human cell, and inject them into your body to destroy that nasty cold virus, Works like a charm for me. Oh, and drink plenty of liquids, take Bayer aspirin, etc.