TCM This Weekend (03/16/12)

Friday 16th

All times CST

7:00 PM Jason and the Argonauts One of Harryhausen’s best
9:00 Clash of the Titans Not one of Harryhausen’s best (hard to get past that owl)

1:30 AM She Freak Pulpy ‘70s quasi-remake of Freaks
3:00 AM Beserk Hilarious Joan Crawford psychokiller circus movie


Irish themed movies for much of the day, unsurprisingly.

9:00 PM Magnificent Ambersons RKO gave Orson Welles’ second feature a real working over, and it’s still pretty brilliant. Wish we could see Welles’ cut.


3:30 PM Portrait of Jennie A good weekend for Joseph Cotton fans, what with Ambersons and this romantic ghost tale. Superb supporting cast includes Cecil Kellaway. David Wayne, Lillian Gish, Henry Hull and Ethal Barrymore.

5:00 Charly Cliff Robertson (David Wayne above was the Mad Hatter on the old Batman TV show, Robertson was Shame) won an Oscar for this adaptation of the seminal sci-fi short story Flowers for Algernon.

7:00 Born Free Animal lovers will want to check out this tale of an adopted lion.

  • The Rev.

    When you say JatA is one of Harryhausen’s best, are you talking about just his work, or the whole movie?  I recall the movie being a bit meh overall, although the skeletons and Hydra were magnificent.  Maybe I should watch it again.  (Off-hand I think his best were 1 Million Years B.C. and the first two Sinbad movies.)

    She Freak we caught back when we had Comcast, which gave us Something Weird stuff on their On Demand package.  God, I miss them.  Anyway, it’s not very good at all, except the final minute which is pretty damn hilarious.  It’s probably still a bit better than the Asylum’s version, though.

    I’m making a point to DVR Berzerk since I’ve not seen it yet.  I might get the girls to watch Charly, since we recently picked up a copy of the original novel and I’ve been encouraging them to give it a go.

  • I think THE VALLEY OF GWANGI was better, personally. That and THE 7TH VOYAGE OF SINBAD, 20 MILLION MILES TO EARTH, maybe THE BEAST FROM 20,000 FATHOMS.

    SHE FREAK was actually a 60’s film. And I’ll depart from Rev and state I actually found the film pretty decent for what it was. Not fantastic or anything, but a decent little drive-in vehicle. David Friedman’s legit picture, but there was more money to be made in the skin flick racket.

  • The Rev.

    Good thing I covered my ass by saying “off-hand”; otherwise, I might be embarrassed about forgetting Beast and Miles.