
I think a mentioned a few days ago that I had come down with a pretty good head cold. (Now it’s a pretty good chest cold, but I don’t feel nearly as sick, so it’s still an improvement, assuming I can avoid another bout of bronchitis.) I bulled my way through work on Monday because I had a ton of stuff on my desk, but took the last few days off. Sadly, my Internet connection issues continue, so I had no home access during that time, which was a tad annoying. Hopefully Techmaster Paul will be around this weekend and can come check things out.

Anyway, I apologize for disappearing a few times in the last couple of weeks. Hopefully I can resolve the Internet issues soon. If not…well, if you don’t hear from me over the long weekend, that will be why.

I hope and trust everyone is well. Now please excuse me while I clean out the literally 6000 plus spams that have accumulated.

  • Ericb

    Hurray. If I was more technically adept I’d post a video of Colin Clive doing his “It’s alive” bit.

  • Flangepart

    Dude, rest up and take care. I know about Bronchitis and the like. Don’t pull a Jim Henson on us!

    Come back healthy and roaring.

  • Gamera

    Gee Ken, take a nap, drink some orange juice, and watch a couple of good movies till you feel better!

    Still it’s good to hear from you.

    If I may here is TCM’s schedule for tonight (All in CST):

    7:00 The Blob ’58

    8:30 The H-Man ’58

    10:00 The Magnetic Monster ’53

    11:30 X: The Unknown ’56

    1:00 The Thing ’51

    2:30 IT! The Terror from Beyond Space ’58

    3:45 Watch the Skies ’05 (Documentary)

  • The Rev.

    So it was still both issues that were plaguing you. I hope you can get the internet problem resolved ASAP, but definitely worry about getting better first. Take care of yourself, buddy.

  • roger h

    glad to have you back.

    I was looking at the little calendar on the main page and was wondering what kind of entry you will have for June 31.

  • John Campbell

    I hate when I get shark punched by spam mail!

    Go relax!

  • @Gamera Cool lineup on TCM! Parking my butt on the couch tonight.

  • Rock Baker

    Feel better, Ken, nice to have you back among us!

    Hey, The Magnetic Monster! That’s a dandy little sci-fier, a shame it’s so obscure.

  • I’ve always had a soft spot for classic era non-sentient sci-fi menaces; the Blob, Kronos, Magnetic Monster, Monolith Monsters, etc.

  • Gamera

    Good Stuff!

    It’s 90F/32C and humid here now so I’m intending to turn on the AC, flip the TV to TCM and shark punch my way though a large carton of orange sherbet tonight.

  • Frank Bauroth

    Only 90 degrees? Must be nice.