(Partial) G-Fest movie line-up for July…

At the historic Pickwick Theater, a gorgeous, 1400 seat 1920s movie palace sitting about a hundred yards from where I type this.

Thursday, July 14th:

1:00 Mothra
3:00 Gamera: Super Monster
7:00 Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla II
9:00 TBA

Friday, July 15th
10:30 PM TBA

Saturday, July 16th
10:30 PM Gamera: Guardian of the Universe

  • Rock Baker

    Super Monster? Not my first choice of film to be bombarded with by professional speakers. That new theme song they gave Gammera/Gamera is just awful!

  • That’s so sad. Not just over my inability to be present for such a showing (MOTHRA! ON THE BIG SCREEN!) but that someone out there actually thinks that people want to watch GAMERA: SUPER MONSTER.

    (One time I saw it. One time. And I’m still bitter from the experience.)

  • The Rev.

    Boy, in terms of quality, that second movie reeeeeeeeally sticks out.

  • I think it’s just that they wanted to show something they hadn’t shown before, which doesn’t leave very much.

  • Foywonder

    If they were smart they would schedule the break during Gamera: Supermonster.

    If they really wanted to show something fresh they should

  • Foywonder

    TAKE 2!

    If they were smart they would schedule the break during Gamera: Supermonster.

    If they really wanted to show something fresh they should find out who in Hong Kong owns the rights to Thunder of Gigantic Serpent and premiere it at G-Fest. Never been released in the US but there is an English-dubbed print out there. While still a bad movie it isn’t anywhere near the realm of unwatchability as Gamera: Super Monster.

  • Ericb

    Somewhat related, the release date for MST3K vs. Gamera has been announced:


  • Rock Baker

    Whoa! There’s a dubbed version out there of that giant serpent movie?!! Hot dog! I figured that was one I’d never get to see, but now a ray of sunshine has poured into my life! (Granted, I still need to get a new television set before my picture tube gives all the way out….)