Beware the 12th of March!

For that looks to be the date of the second annual T(ween) Fest in Dallas. We will probably be relocating the event, but Sandy is hashing that stuff out. In any case, if you can’t make B-Fest in Chicago at the end of January, plan this as a alternate. We hope to see you all there.

  • fish eye no miko

    You know, the problem with calling it the “T(ween) Fest” is, I keep expecting you to announce that Justin Beiber and Zack and Cody are gonna be there…

  • Mr. Rational

    Wait — Bieber WON’T be there? Dammit! And I’d already canceled my plans for that weekend! Oh well…might as well go anyway, I s’pose. Not like I’m doing anything else now…

  • The Rev.


    I’ve got something I would like to inflict on my fellows in between movies where we put shorts and such. Would that be possible?

  • JazzyJ
