Why no update…

I had everything done, but while my computer didn’t blow up, I have had ongoing issues with my Internet router–basically it’s been getting spells where it cycles on and off every 20 seconds or so.  Especially given how slow my computer is, this basically cripples me in terms of posting stuff.

This weekend it was basically doing this the entire time.  I had one ten minute block of actual connection yesterday, and was able to download my stills to Photobucket.  However, apparently an attempt to update the actual article timed out when the connection went down and ate half the article.  Sorry.  I hope to have it up tonight, if my Internet holds.  I wouldn’t bet on it, though, as the problem seems to be becoming worse.  Otherwise, I’ll see if I can at least email myself the article, and then post it here at work tomorrow morning.

Then…a new router maybe?  Computers can be such a pain in the ass.

  • BeckoningChasm

    I thought you got a new computer some months back?

  • No, I procrastinated (surprise), although I intend to order one soon. I’m not sure if that’s where the problem is, though. But the Internet connection issue is becoming highly annoying.

  • BeckoningChasm

    It could be the router, or it might be a port on same. I had a power outage a couple of weeks ago which lasted for several hours; when the power came back, none of my devices could connect except wirelessly. Turned out, the port connecting my router to my switch had fried (on the switch side). Moved the cable to another port and everything worked fine.

    I hasten to add that I’m only guessing re: your issue.

  • Rock Baker

    Could be the service provider. This computer was getting really slow and didn’t want to stay connected, got real bad for about a week straight. But the problem wasn’t anything on this end, it was the service provider having problems. Not sure what happened, but they eventually got it fixed and things were back to normal.

    Granted, I probably know less about computers than your average three year old. (The way kids are learning and using technology these days, I may have the computer knowledge more in line with a three MONTH old child.)

  • John Campbell

    I heard from a co-worker that some company in india has developed a $32 computer. (I’m in IT)

    If it’s real, I say awesome!

    The pessimist in me is thinking “over-priced etxch-a-sketch”.

    I do hope it’s the former.