Weekend at Sandy’s, Part 2

Time to continue my belated P (‘P’ for Sandy Petersen) Fest report before I forget everything.

As noted earlier, I flew down from Chicago and Chris Holland drove from Austin to Dallas, where we met up at Stately Petersen Manor to sit on our butts and watch B-movies all weekend.

Following the Friday night showings, we rose on Saturday morning to eat a quick bite of cereal and some yogurt. (Thus fulfilling my once-a-year Nearly Healthy Meal quotient.) Sandy offered to employ his awesome grill for lunch, and thus we road tripped over to the supermarket for various meats and other essentials. Although Chris became obsessed with the idea that the store must have some hot dogs with casings—as every true dog aficionado knows, by which I mean everyone from Chicago, an absolutely essential element of a good wiener—a close questioning of several of the staff revealed that this wasn’t so. Therefore we went with skinless dogs. That’s what happens when you visit the barbarian wilds of Texas.

[Upon return home, Chris was able to verify that skinned dogs were available, at least in Austin, confirming the fact by sending me a picture of a Nathan’s Famous pack, which boasted, “Natural Casing to help seal in the flavor.” Indeed.]

At the checkout line, Sandy, who the night before had already treated us to a swank steak dinner, demanded to pay for the food himself. He finally allowed me to kick in a pathetic ten spot, if only to let me pretend that I had contributed something. You’ve got to watch that guy, I tell you.

Thus fortified with hamburger meat, regrettably skinless hot dogs, brats, buns, pop, Nutty Bars (which along with my pretzels quickly disappeared from the common table—next year I’ll have to hoard a private supply), chips and other sundries, we headed back to base camp. Sandy fired up the grill and did yeoman’s work with the meats, and we gorged and gorged well. The meats remained edible for many hours afterward, to boot, allowing for a quick protein break as the movies dragged on.

Thus sated food-wise, it was time for some movies. I think we started just about noon.

To be con’t.

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