Man, is THIS reassuring! OK, I’d go even more old school, but damn, it does appear that Legendary Pictures has learned the lessons from the Tri-Star debacle. I think they even included the hint of Godzilla’s atomic beam weapon to reassure fans that the new revamp of Godzilla won’t try to skip this rather essential element, as the last revamp did. (Morons.)
Notice also the smashed buildings, offering us the sort of mass destruction that was also lacking in the previous film. And NO BABY GODZILLAS!
The Godzilla flick is due out in 2012, the same year The Avengers will be coming out. This means it could possibly be the most awesome year ever, right there, even aside from the fact that Christopher Nolan’s third Batman movie should be out that year as well.
Now if they could only get a Luke Cage period blaxploitation flick in the works….