Holy Crap! Futurama back THIS THURSDAY!!

Man, that snuck up on me. The show premieres the new season on Comedy Central this Thursday night. A preview can be found at the CC website. Be there or be square.

  • Gristle McThornbody

    The wife and I already have the DVR set, just in case we can’t get home in time due to locusts or floods or what not.

    Just as an aside – I came very close to choosing as my screen name Bender Bending Rodriguez.

  • BeckoningChasm

    That ship has pretty much sailed for me, but I hope they do the show right for the fans.

  • brandywine

    Hot diggity daffodil.

  • monoceros4

    Well…the movies have all been dreadful but possibly they’ll do better in the short format again.

  • Yes, as I noted, the movies had several strikes against them. First, they were 90 minutes as opposed to 22 minutes, which had to be an adjustment. Worse, though, they had to be designed to split up into four episodes that could be played as 30 minute programs on TV. The whole design was about as clunky as possible.

    I fully expect the return to the original format to be a great success, although I’m also realistic enough to know it may take them a while to get their feet back under them.

  • Toby C

    I didn’t have a problem with the movies (or at least not the one Ken did), but I’m still not convinced that continuing on from what was meant to be the series final is a great idea. For starters Fry and Leela got together, and we all know the Moonlighting rule.

  • Tork_110

    I’ll watch it.

    But can I unwatch it?

  • BeckoningChasm

    I liked the first version of Family Guy, when it came back from cancellation, it was god-awful. I think the Futurama guys are smarter than Seth MacFarlane, but I worry that they don’t know what made the show’s fans so ardent.

    They ended the show perfectly, I thought; I never saw the movies and am not really interested. They COULD reset the Fry – Leela relationship, but that seems cheap and (frankly) mean-spirited.

  • Toby C

    “They ended the show perfectly, I thought; I never saw the movies and am not really interested. They COULD reset the Fry – Leela relationship, but that seems cheap and (frankly) mean-spirited.”

    Believe me, Into the Wild Green Yonder was a better ending than The Devil’s Hands Are Idle Playthings.

  • Marsden

    I didn’t see all of the movies, but the one where they were playing Dungeons and Dragons make me laugh my ass off like nothing on TV has in a long time. But, maybe I’m too easy. I’m taping this.

  • Actually, the Christmas Going to War song is maybe my all time favorite Futurama bit, so I have to take my hat off to hat.