Cutesie, stay away from that guy!

  • The Rev. D.D.

    Holy crap, he came back from the dead just to kill Cutesie!? Mabye those people who said he was evil were right…

    I guess Kevorkian was a Stephen Lynch fan.

  • Elizabeth

    Nooooo, Cutesie! Run!

    We need to find out who made poor Cutesie be a Cubs fan in the first place, so we can charge him with animal cruelty, Ken.

  • BeckoningChasm

    Maybe Cutesie (whose real name is Cubsie) should do something a little less stressful than being a Cubs fan for a while. Maybe a nice relaxing vacation at Camp Crystal Lake?

    Also, isn’t the phrase “Cubs fan” kind of an oxymoron? I mean, would you call an alcoholic a “booze fan”?

  • Tork_110

    The smile on Jack’s face just sells the gag.

  • Lyz, you silly goose, nobody chooses to be a Cubs fan. Why would you?! It’s a genetic, ‘sins of the father’ sort of thing.

    And don’t worry about Cutesie. Although all Cubs fans think constantly about suicide, only 18%, tops, do so in a given year. And those are usually the very old and the very youn…oh.

    Cutesie, what are you doing by that industrial blender?! Shoo!

  • monoceros4

    Seriously, I don’t think I’ve quite realized how crazy Jack Kevorkian was until now. Look at him grinning over his contraption, made from $10 of galvanized sheet steel, bits of wood and some brass cup hooks, looking like he’s beaming with pride because he’d just used hardware store oddments to make lead into gold.