
I told Cutesie the Cubs weren’t playing today.  So mum’s the word.

  • Lawyer Ku

    Baker left Leake on the mound into the 7th inning. Leake in his first start in the Majors. As a result, pitch count was up over a hundred. Isn’t that against OSHA rules or something? Child labor laws? Cincinnati pitchers work like they’re in a Chinese coal mine. I wonder if Baker hid behind his grandson at the press conference so Marty wouldn’t call him an idiot. Someday the Reds will actually bat in a run. *sigh*

    Oh well. As long as the Stacks blow…

    (sorry Cutesie)

  • Matt B

    Ken, have you considered rooting for the Astros? At least with them you won’t be surprised when they go 0-162.

  • Elizabeth

    Thank you, Ken. I mean, really, you’re going to run out of suicide methods long before the season’s over.

    Question: if a man raises his child as a Cubs fan, does that justify a call to DCFS?

  • BeckoningChasm

    Cutesie is purring contentedly on my chest…while I’m trying to catch a couple of winks and have the TV off. I’ll not wake her. Persian kittens often look like sad things, while adult Persian cats look like an evil Santa Claus. But they tend to be among the most even-handed and affectionate of cats.

    Incidentally, shouldn’t she be named “Cubsie” or “Cubbie” or maybe even “Cubby Broccoli”? To tie in with the whole “Cubs” thing. Not that cats give one quarter of a damn what humans call them…

  • I will admit, when I see parents bringing their young kids to Wrigley, I generally get a warm fuzzy feeling immediately followed by a sense of sadness on the kids’ behalf, like they’ve got some terminal illness.

  • Elizabeth

    BC, I think “Cutesie” is Ken’s way of saying that he secretly hates kittens and mocks their deepest pain. Because he is a bad, bad man with little girl hands.

    I’ve never liked the whole “cruelty to adorable animals” line of humor (which is predictable, given my devotion to The Pup-Pup) but this is working on a weird level for me. I think it’s because Cutesie is trapped in a sort of No Exit-style existentialist hell, with the Cubs representing both the indifferent natural universe and man’s oft-involuntary inhumanity to man. He suffers at their hands, but in a prison of his own making.

    Or I just think the Cubs are funny. They lose a lot! Haha! It’s funny!